Learn to read dog body language

One of the first things I learned in my studies (and continue to learn more about!) is how to understand how dogs 'talk'. Dogs can't speak so we need to 'listen with our eyes'. The links below are to posters which have a great summary of how dogs use their bodies to communicate, with us, with other animals and even inanimate objects! It also helps us to know how to greet dogs, or not greet them as the case may sometimes be. This is of particular importance in a treatment setting where the dog may be confronted by new smells, new spaces, objects and people they’ve never seen before. Especially while undergoing procedures that may be uncomfortable, painful or just scary! It's fascinating how much they're saying without speaking a word! We use this knowledge in ‘cooperative care’ training to understand where dogs are struggling, when they need a break, and how we can help them feel calmer and more comfortable in a treatment setting.

Body Language of Fear in Dogs - Dr Sophia Yin

How Not To Greet A Dog - Lili Chin

Doggie Language - Lili Chin (poster below)

Facial expressions of stress in dogs - Vet Behaviour Team (poster below)

Augusta Grayson