Advanced Pups Masterclass


These classes are for dogs aged 5 months up to 2 years old*

Have you completed Puppy Pre-School and think your dog is ready for the next step? Or do you have a ‘backyard warrior’ who’s the perfect dog at home, but outdoors it’s like their ears are painted on?

These classes are for you! They are intended to be a combination of obedience and socialisation and they’re specifically designed for teenage dogs. Socialisation is so much more than just interacting with other dogs. Exposing your dog positively to new sights, sounds, smells and experiences is so important for helping them become a happy, well-rounded adult dog.

The teenage phase (5-6 months to 2/3 years old) is a really important phase of dog's development and due to what's going on (physically and neurologically) this is where we often start to see some behaviour changes and challenges start to pop up, even if they did have the perfect puppyhood. It’s a great time to work on training now though and start developing those great behaviours to carry them through to be happy mature dogs. Almost all of my clients are teenage dogs – it’s a challenging stage!

I will help you take the basics from puppy training and apply them to new, more challenging situations. You will learn just as much as your dog, such as how to ready their body language and set them up to be successful in new environments.

*If your pup is aged 4-10 months, there is also another class for ‘Pre Teens’ here

Key areas of training focus each week:

  • Walking nicely on lead

  • Focus on you outdoors

  • Recall (coming back when called)

  • Calm greetings (people / dogs)

  • Leave it (including birds and stock)

  • Impulse control (wait, settle)

Examples of locations (final TBC)

  • Napier Sailing Club

  • Bunnings Hastings

  • PETstock Hastings

  • Birdwoods Gallery

  • Cornwall Park

  • Hawke’s Bay Farmer’s Market


  • Advanced Pups Masterclass - $200 incl GST

    • Classes are 60 minutes long and run once a week over 4 weeks on Sunday mornings

    • DATES: Start 6th April, then 13th April, 27th April and 4th May for Graduation

    • NOTE: Daylight Savings ends on 6th April (clocks go back one hour) and there are no classes running on Easter Weekend

    • TIME: 9am or 10:30am option (choose one)

    • LOCATION - Changes each week and will be confirmed Wednesday prior to each class

    • LIMIT of 8 dogs per class

    • Fee includes 4 weeks of group classes, online video tutorials and digital manual covering the techniques you’ll learn in class for future reference

    • For dogs aged 5 months – 2 years old

    • All dogs must be fully vaccinated and have completed my Puppy Foundations or Puppy Preschool*

    • Any delays due to bad weather will be confirmed closer to the time

    • Family members are welcome! Please just let me know who’s coming prior so I can allow for any considerations for the class.

*Please note that you can have completed any puppy training (not just mine), and if you were unable to do puppy training or you’re unsure if your dog had puppy training, I just need to make sure your dog will be happy and safe in a group training class. They don’t have to be perfect - no teenager is!